As you may have noticed we’ve got a new coach on the scene Becky Ellerington.
Becky is a newly qualified coach she is starting this new journey helping mums getting strong, mentally and physically!
As mum herself she knows, she’s walked the walk, talks the talk. She’s going to helping our mums in more ways that helping you exercise.
She’s going to be helping the mums of Pramfit develop better relationships toward foods. You know we don’t push a lot of nutrition besides the basic.
Mainly because of the uncertainty around your routine and of course baby! But Becky (& myself) is going to amazingly helpful at helping you break down destructive and misguided relationships towards food and rebuild better ones that will reshape the way you look at food.
So watch out for the videos, the Q & A's and Post That will be dropping very soon!
If you can't wait then drop us a message and we will get back to you!
This is great, I know that for me I have a rubbish relationship with food, always have done. Look forward to hearing more 😊