Normally its not everyones first choice! but hey! I co-own a gym so I’m there all the time so its nice to get out from a selfish point of view.
so what does a park offer?
The great outdoors for a start. this time of year till early late September is just pretty great. on top of that its great stimulation for the babies and lastly for new mums who have found themselves with their world turned upside down its great to know others are in the same boat! so lastly the support network as there is a lovely cafe on-site.
At Rowntrees we have benches, swings, slopes (may not sound much but its dreamy for me as a trainer), steps and i bring bands, kettlebells and medicine balls and lets not forget you and baby.
So suddenly the park is looking a little more entertaining!
Trust me, if there was every a place to start your pre/post natal training its here and with us at Rowntree Park..
not to mention our fantastic community of mums to welcome you too.