What we do!
Birth can be very tough on the body, thats why we have our Pramfit group sessions. These session allow us to work more closely to your needs! As well as helping you move better, feel better and losing fat, these sessions are really good fun!
Try our Group Training for 30-DAYs
for just £19.99
What do we do at Pramfit?
In groups of 8/10 mums we work on your personal postnatal journey. Pregnancy can really be a big trauma on the body placing huge stress on certain areas like the hips and back and weakening other areas.. Group training allows us to strengthen mums, build in the rehab process while making mums stronger, fitter, more flexible than they have been. Pain and ache free.
We follow a structured programme that focuses on strength, rehab, fat loss and good movement. session last about 50 minutes to 1 hour.
We make fitness more enjoyable, we are hands on with baby and you will be expertly coached by our professional and experienced coaches.
Who are PramFit Group Training Sessions for?
All Mums and every mum., no matter your goal or level of fitness. You need to get stronger after pregnancy.
MONDAY 09:30am & 110:0am
TUESDAY 09:30am & 1030am
WEDNESDAY 09:30am & 1100am
THURSDAY 09:30am & 1030am
FRIDAY 09:30am & 110:0am
Saturday 0945am
Going Back To Work?
We have extra slots for Mums who have returned to work or mums who want extra sessions.
They look like this.
Monday 06:00am, 07:00am, 1400pm & 18:00pm
Tuesday 12:00pm
Wednesday 06:00am, 07:00am, 1400pm & 18:00pm
Friday 06:00am & 07:00am
Saturday 0945am
There is a £10/15 price increase per month for these sessions based off your desired attendance.
Children are welcome. Well maybe leave the children for the early morning.
Unit 17c, Forest Park, Malton Rd, York YO32 9TN
There is plenty of free parking on site.
We know you will love these sessions,
so do our Mums - hear their stories